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Bee Venom Products


ApiHealth Bee venom products are developed from the combination of New Zealand bee venom VENZ™, Manuka honey and other bee and herbs products. These bee venom products represent worldwide innovation.
Bee venom is very unique in its composition and has multiple effects on the body: helps keep the blood circulation in normal, supports physical strength and well being, supports to joint mobility, has anti-oxidant effects and supports the immune system.
Please evaluate the benefit of our exclusive bee venom products designed to considerably improve your health and lifestyle.
Why ApiHealth bee venom products are the high quality?
All products are manufactured under the guidance and supervision of our Scientists and Research Directors.
ApiHealth was the first not only in New Zealand, but also around the world, which suggested use natural dried bee venom powder in honey based products and developed new oral delivery system for bioabsorption of effective bee venom peptides.
ApiHealth NZ Ltd use in products only New Zealand bee venom VENZ™ which company collect in NZ by modernized patented technology (Patent #329585). This technology allows collecting high quality bee venom without harming the bees.
According to ApiHealth scientific research, which was in 2002 financially supported by Foundation for Research, Science and Technology, bee venom VENZ™ has unique beneficial for body properties. Besides, bee venom VENZ™ has many other advantaged properties compare with bee venom from other origins.

ApiHealth bee venom has Trade Mark VENZ™, which reflect unique NZ bee venom properties, combined with a sensible method of bee venom collection (NZ Trade Mark # 295559)
For manufacturing of bee venom honey ApiHealth developed and patented technology (Patent #333790), which allows producing safe bee venom honey products with excellent beneficial properties. Our manufacturing technology has additional unique advantage, as long as the most allergic bee venom component phospholipase A2 inactivated in our honey. Therefore ApiHealth bee venom honey products are completely safe.
ApiHealth bee venom products are very effective. The formulas and beneficial bee venom dosages for these products are scientifically substantiated. Bee venom dosages are safe and provide very good beneficial effect. We have a lot of positive references.
Please note:
ApiHealth Trade Mark VENZ™ guarantee that every teaspoon with 5 gram of bee venom honey contains half bee sting. This dosage is safe and provides many beneficial properties for body.
In order to get better result  from our bee venom honeys we recommend taking honey without any food or drink and keeping it in the mouth until complete dissolution.


✔ Support the immune system
✔ Support  skin condition
✔ Support the body for recovery from ageing ( Ludyanski, E.A. 1994 "Apitherapy")

✔ Helps to keep the blood circulation in normal due to its anticoagulant and antiaggregant properties

✔ Supports joint mobility and muscle strength, provides anti-inflammatory and pain relief effects on the patients with rheumatoid arthritis and chronic muscle pain

  1. Honey Bee Venom (Apis mellifera) contains Anti-coagulation Factors and Increases the Blood-clotting time. –Zolfagharian H et al. Journal of Acupuncture 2015:18(4), 007-011
  2. Anticoagulant properties of Apis mellifera (honey bee) venom.- Ouyang C, et al

      Toxicon. 1979;17(2):197-201

  1. Bee venom acupuncture for the treatment of chronic low back pain: study protocol for a randomized, double-blinded, sham-controlled trial. Seo BK, et al. Trials. 2013 Jan 14;14:16. doi:


  1. Bee venom acupuncture for rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review protocol.                           Lee JA, et al. BMJ Open. 2014 Apr 23;4(4):e004602. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004602
  2. Clinical effectiveness of bee venom acupuncture and physiotherapy in the treatment of adhesive capsulitis: a randomized controlled trial. Koh PS  et al. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2013 Aug;22(8):1053-62
  3. The Analgesic Efficacy of Bee Venom Acupuncture for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Comparative      Study with Needle Acupuncture
    Young-Bae Kwon et al, Am. J. Chin. Med. 29, 187 (2001). DOI: http://dx.doi.org.pro
  4. Impact of Bee Venom Enzymes on Diseases and Immune Responses

           Md. Sakib Hossen et al. Molecules 2017, 22, 25; doi:10.3390/molecules22010025